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Libreria Cristiana Interamericana

About us / Quien Somos
Nuetra Historia.
Estamos en Miami desde Abril 1965 como una libreria Cristiana por la familia Toirac. Los hermanos Bienvenido Moises Toirac y Florentino Toirac fueron los primeros en manejar la libreria en los 1960s. En 1972, el otro hermano, Alfredo Rafael Toirac compro la libreria. Hoy Clarivel Toirac (hija de Rafael) maneja la libreria. Por muchos anos, la Libreria vende libros y mas a ministerios cristianos y iglesias y tambien al publico.
About Us and Our History.
We've been in business since 1965 as a Christian book store selling books and music by the same Toirac family. B.M. Toirac and his brother Florent Toirac managed the book store during the 1960s until their brother Rafael Toirac purchased it by the early 1970s. For many years our book store has sold books and supplies to churches and organizations as well as seling on site to the public.
Rafael Toirac
Alfredo Rafael Toirac fue dueno de la Libreria desde 1972 sirviendo al publico con productos Cristianos. Rafael Toirac fallecio en Mayo 2014 a la edad de 95 anos. / Alfredo Rafael Toirac was the bookstore owner who served the public with Christianity products since he purchased the book store in 1972. He passed away during May 2014 at the age of 95, after many years serving the public at the Libreria.
Bienvenido Moises Toirac
El Rev. Bienvenido Moises Toirac fue el primer director de la Libreria durante 1965 - 1969. Bienvenido fue director de una libreria llamada Alex Books en Union City, NJ en 1970-72. Durante los 1970s, el fue Pastor de una iglesia en Miami y trabajaba con su hermano en la libreria hasta 1982. El se retiro como Pastor en 1985 y trabajo en World Relief y despues en Miami Mental Health Center. En 2008, tenia Alzheimer's hasta que fallecio en Agosto 30, 2018 de fallo respiratorio a la edad de 94. / Rev. B.M. Toirac was the first director of the bookstore during 60s. Later he left Miami to New Jersey where he ran a bookstore named Alex Books until 1972. Later he pastored a church in Miami during 1976 - 1985. He also worked at the Libreria during 70s. Later he worked for World Relief and Miami Mental Health Center until he retired in 2001. He suffered from Alzheimers Decease but lived til he turn 94. He passed away on August 30th, 2018 from Respiratory Failure and a stroke.
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